Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All of my beautiful girls had a birthday recently.  This was Abbey's 21st birthday.  Aren't they beautiful! I am soooooo blessed!

Back in the swing of things

I just finished my first full week back to school and am well into the second.  I have Physics students working on mousetrap cars (that will be raced on Thursday), 9th grade students studying Earthquakes, Engineering students doing robotics, and Middleschoolers learning how to sketch.  My desk is covered with papers to grade and record!!!!

My family is determined to get me into shape.  We now have a membership to Anytime Fitness and the Wii has been moved into the office so that I will have room to do the Wii Fit Plus, when I do not have time to go to the gym.  I am enjoying having others to workout with, but am really sore and out of shape :(

Next improvement will be finishing my Master's degree in Science Education this year.  My Ed Research class starts this wed night and runs from 5-8 in the evening.  Let's hope my study habits are ready to be honed!  I also need to decide what I will do as my research project.
I am looking forward to the middle of February!  Sam, Cass, and I will fly out to AZ to visit my parents!  Woo Hoo!!!!