Are you ready to change your world? I am. Join me as I celebrate my 52nd birthday.
Asher Intrater is the senior leader of a Messianic congregation in Israel. Asher's perspectives and insights are highly valued both in the Holy Land and beyond. For more information about Asher's ministry, please visit their website:
Esther Fast
by Asher Intrater
We would like to invite you, our dear friends in every nation, tribe and tongue, to join with us in a day of prayer, fasting and intercession in accord with the fast of Esther. You may pray alone, or sponsor a prayer meeting, or mobilize your church, Messianic congregation, or prayer network to join in with us. The biblical fast lasted three days. The traditional Jewish fast this year is one day, from sundown Wednesday, March 16 to sundown Thursday, March 17. Your participation will involve three aspects:
1. Public Scripture Reading - read out loud, as a devotional declaration and a prophetic proclamation, these three passages:
a.Esther chapters 3 and 4
b.Zechariah 12:2-3, 6-10; 13:1, 8-9; 14:1-9
c.Romans 9:1-5; 10:1-2; 11:1-29
2. Fasting - at least the 24 hours from sundown to sundown on just water (with exceptions of course for those with special needs). For those who have the desire and the ability, we invite you to fast a full three days, according to Esther 4:16.
3. Prayer - to intercede according to the themes of the book of Esther, and to emphasize at least these 7 major prayer directives:
a. Salvation for the Muslim peoples
b. Salvation for the Jewish people
c. Reconciliation between Jew and Arab through Yeshua
d. Bind spirits of anti-Semitism worldwide
e. Strengthen the local Messianic remnant in Israel
f. Guidance for government leaders in Israel and the nations
g. Prepare the Church to stand victorious in the events of the end times leading up to the Second Coming.